- Tytuł
- Typ publikacji
- Rok
- Autorzy
- Hybrid Method of the Radio Environment Map Constrution to Increase Spectrum Awareness of Cognitive Radios
- Referat konferencyjny
- 2020
- ISBN: 978-3-030-48255-8, ISSN: 2194-5357
- Kosmowski Krzysztof, Romanik Janusz
- Possibilities of using the Ten Step Method (TSM) to determine the operational capabilities of devices.
- Referat konferencyjny
- 2021
- Firlej Andrzej, Musiał Sławomir
- Cyber Security of Communication Systems based on R&D activites of Military Communication Institute
- Referat konferencyjny
- 2018
- Jasiul Bartosz
- Realizing Overlay Xcast in a tactical service infrastructure An Approach Based on a Service-Oriented Architecture
- Referat konferencyjny
- 2018
- ISBN: 978-153864559-8
- Goniacz Robert, Śliwa Joanna
- Possibilities of using FSO/RF technology in military communication systems
- Referat konferencyjny
- 2018
- Electronic ISBN:978-80-8040-547-2 DVD ISBN:978-80-8040-546-5 Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN:978-1-5386-0519-6
- Grochowina Bogusław, Matyszkiel Robert
- Evaluation of the OLSR-based routing mechanism with the link quality and node resources assessment
- Referat konferencyjny
- 2017
- Golan Edward, Kraśniewski Adam, Romanik Janusz
- Level of Electromagnetic Safety of Graphic Digital Interface
- Referat konferencyjny
- 2018
- Electronic ISBN:978-1-4673-9698-1, USB ISBN:978-1-4673-9697-4, Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN:978-1-4673-9699-8, Electronic ISSN: 2325-0364 Print on Demand(PoD) ISSN: 2325-0356
- Kubiak Ireneusz
- Localization of Transmitters in VHF Band Based on the Radio Environment Maps Concept
- Referat konferencyjny
- 2019
- Golan Edward, Kaniewski Paweł
- Increasing the Dependability of Wireless Communication Systems by Using FSO/RF Technology
- Referat konferencyjny
- 2020
- ISBN: 978-3-030-48255-8, ISSN: 2194-5357
- Kaniewski Paweł, Matyszkiel Robert
- Covert Channel Creation Based On Embedding Information Via Phase Shift
- Referat konferencyjny
- 2021
- ISBN: 978-0-9998551-6-4
- Grzesiak Krystian