Standard Tactical Services in a Military Disruption – Tolerant network: Field Tests
Standard Tactical Services in a Military Disruption – Tolerant network: Field Tests
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Electronic ISBN: 978-1-5386-0595-0, Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN: 978-1-5386-0596-7, Electronic ISSN: 2155-7586
Informacje dodatkowe
[Referat wygłoszony na: konferencji Military Communications Conference (MILCOM 2017), USA, Baltimore, 23-25.10.2017 r.]
DOI: 10.1109/MILCOM.2017.8170752
Abstract: Standard applications are unable to perform well in delay- and disruption-tolerant networks (DTNs) due to frequent lack of end-to-end connectivity and long communication delays. Such applications must be thus adapted to be able to operate in disadvantageous network conditions. In a previous work on adapting standard tactical applications for DTN networks, we proposed how such an adaptation may be achieved in a transparent way. In this paper, we present results from field tests in a radio-based military DTN, deployed in a mountainous area of Greding (Germany). We discuss conclusions and lessons learned from the test: What we succeeded to achieve and what could be improved to make the tests more complete and valuable.
Keywords: DTN, MIDNet, BFT, NFFI, e-mail
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