
Frequency resources sharing in FH radio networks

Frequency resources sharing in FH radio networks
Typ publikacji
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Autorzy słownie
ISBN: 978-1-83880-507-4, Print ISBN: 978-1-83880-506-7
Informacje dodatkowe

Proceedings Volume 11055, XII Conference on Reconnaissance and Electronic Warfare Systems; 110551B (2019)
Event: XII Conference on Reconnaissance and Electronic Warfare Systems, 2018, Oltarzew, Poland

Abstract: FH emissions are currently used in many wireless communication systems, where military communication is a special area of their application. The use of such emissions reduces the likelihood of detection and interception of transmission and increases their resistance to jamming. The larger is the set of carrier frequencies, the more FH emission is dispersed and harder to detect and disrupt. Currently used frequency allocation algorithm does not allow sharing of available frequencies in the same area. For this reason, the number of assigned frequencies for individual network drops significantly, reducing all the advantages of FH emissions. In this paper an effective way to use frequency resources to increase the capacity of the transmission channel assuming a certain number of radio networks or the certain number of available carrier frequencies is proposed. The basic assumption is the possibility of simultaneous operation of many FH radio networks in the same territorial area, on a common frequency set. At a certain probability of collision, the dependence of the number of radio networks which worked simultaneously, from the cardinality of a common set of carrier frequencies and the influence of the number of frequencies on this probability is considered. The results of the analysis of the number of collisions between different FH networks working simultaneously in the same area with an identical set of carrier frequencies are also presented. Relevant mathematical formulas are proposed for different collision scenarios that can be used in the frequency assignment process. The results are verified in practice with the use of VHF radios

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