
Localization of Transmitters in VHF Band Based on the Radio Environment Maps Concept

Localization of Transmitters in VHF Band Based on the Radio Environment Maps Concept
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[Referat wygłoszony na: 10th International Scientific Conference Communication and Information Technologies (KIT 2019),  09-11.10.2019 r. Tatranske Zruby, Słowacja]
Abstract— The subject of this paper is the Radio Environment Map concept as a tool supporting localization of transmitters. The main functionality of Radio Environment Map was presented and map construction techniques were characterized. The test scenario for VHF band was described and exemplary maps were compared in terms of the possibility of localization of the transmitter. Then the algorithm improving the accuracy of the localization that is based on selected interpolation technique was presented. Finally, the results of the localization of tactical VHF transceiver were analyzed. Keywords—Cognitive radio, radio environment map, spectrum monitoring, localization.
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