The efficiency evaluation concept of the HF jamming based on propagation prediction model ITU-R P. 533
Proceedings Volume 11055, XII Conference on Reconnaissance and Electronic Warfare Systems; 110550L (2019)
Event: XII Conference on Reconnaissance and Electronic Warfare Systems, 2018, Oltarzew, Poland
DOI/10.1117/12. 2524592
Abstract: An important problem that persons responsible for radio communication systems face is how to make these systems immune to jamming. Rapid development of contemporary electronic warfare systems is a reason why that task is difficult to solve without special supporting tools to analyze wave propagation. Currently, an attempt to jam an enemy radio network is a multiphase process for which the most crucially important is collection of information on the enemy radio communication system and then processing it. The results of the analysis enable to estimate efficiency of intended jamming activity and make the decision on emission of jamming signals. The tools that are useful for estimation of the possibility to jam selected radio objects are wave propagation prediction models chosen earlier in the phase of operational and technical analysis. A good example of propagation prediction model of HF waves is the model based on ITU-R P.533-13 recommendation. It is distributed as a free of charge dynamic linked library P533.dll. The article presents the proposal of implementing the P533.dll library in order to increase the effectiveness of HF radio communication systems jamming. The information in this article may be useful for those who deal with HF radio communication and for those responsible for the operation of electronic warfare systems.